How to Add/Edit/Delete an Allergy

My Diabetes Home allows you to keep track of both your medication and non-medication allergies. You can also save the type of reaction each allergy causes.To update your allergies list, select the “myMeds” tab and then click “My Allergies.” You’ll be taken to your My Allergies page where you can see a list of all the allergies you’ve saved so far.



1. To add an allergy to your list, click the green “+ Med Allergy” button for a drug-related allergy or the “+ Non-Medication Allergy” for one not caused by medications.



2. On the next screen, type in the name of the allergen. Then, choose the side effects you experience when you have an allergic reaction. You can choose as many as you need from the list. When you’re finished, click the green “Save” button, and your allergies list will be updated.




1. To edit an existing allergy, click the blue “Edit” button next to the one you would like to update. From there, you can make changes to the side effects you experience.




1. To delete an allergy from your list, click the gray “Delete Allergy” button at the top right of your page.

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