My Diabetes Home makes managing your medications easy. To get started setting up your personalized med list, hover your cursor over the “myMeds” link at the top of your page, and click “My Meds.” This will direct you to your medications list.
ADD: To add a med to your list, click the green “+ Add New Med” button at the top left of your screen.
On the next page, you can begin by typing in all or part of a medication’s name. If your med is on our database, a drop-down menu will appear. Select the med from the menu that you would like to add.
Once you’ve selected your med, you can continue by filling in the rest of the spaces on the pages. My Diabetes Home can help you keep track of the med’s dosage and strength. You can even enter the name of the doctor who prescribed it to you. When you’re finished, click the green “Finish" button on the last page.
Sometimes, your medication won’t be a part of our database. You’ll this when you enter the name of your med, but you can’t find it in the drop-down menu. When this happens, click the blue “Can’t find your med?” button.
On the next page, you can add information to create a custom medication. My Diabetes Home will still keep track of the strength and dosing instructions, but you won’t be able to receive any cost-saving options. When you’re finished filling out the custom meds section, click the green “Save” button at the bottom of your page, and your med list will automatically be updated.
DELETE: To delete a med from your list, click the gray “Delete Med” button at the top left of your My Meds page.