How to Add Notes to your Blood Sugar Entry

Premium My Diabetes Home Members Only

Nobody’s blood sugar log is perfect. The sugar log at My Diabetes Home helps you understand your sugars by allowing you to enter special notes or comments for each entry. To add a note to your sugar, you’ll need to access your sugar log.


1. Move your cursor over the “mySugars” tab, and select “Sugar Log.”



2. In the correct space, type in your blood sugar measurements.

Note: The date of your measurements is located on the left side of your log. The time of your measurements is displayed across the top. When you’re finished entering your sugars, press the green “Save” button.


3. To add a note to a sugar entry, click the blue “Edit” button next to the week with the sugar entry you would like to note. Your numbers should be highlighted in white boxes.


4 .Next, click the small symbol next to your sugar entry. The symbol may be red, orange, or gray, depending on how high or low your sugar was. 


5. In the screen that pops up, you can enter important information about your sugar entry, including any triggers such as food or medications. When you’re finished filling out all the fields, press the green “Save” button.




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